Exploring Wonderland


I submitted artwork for January's Photos.com Challenge this month.
I used my original photo of this monarch butterfly on a zinnia. With the six images provided and titled it, "Entering Wonderland". Two weeks ago, Graphics.com featured it on the site's Home Page. I was thrilled to be on the front page of the Graphics.com site.  I submitted this art Sunday evening(jan.13) and Monday morning I discovered it was on the Front Page by reading this posting:

From: Barbara Garber (thebags)   (Mon Jan 14 07:58:09 2008)
CONGRATULATIONS ... your first try and your image is featured on the home page. Now that's really something!!!

This was the Photos.com Challenge:
Can you create a new design using two of the supplied six photos?




......I used all six images in "Exploring Wonderland" along with
my second entry below titled: "New LIfe"


To view all the January Entries and the six winners, go to: http://www.graphics.com/modules.php?set_albumName=album124&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php&page=1

This was the first month I entered the photos.com challange.

I have since added to my New Life Series. Samples of both entries are under the Desktop Wallpaper.
5x7, 8x10 and 11x14 photo prints are available. ~tscp