200 LIKES ...and counting!
/I am belated with posting on my journal a "THANK YOU" for the 200 likes for TSCPgraphics on facebook. At last count, the page is at 208! Words can not express how much I appreciate all the support and everyone spreading the word about TSCPgraphics. I always tell everyone I am a visual person so when I post, i like to have a photo that tells the story. I rarely post just a message. In celebration of the 200 likes it just did not seem right to simply say 'thank you' in a post, so i made this banner that included everyone who made those 200 likes possible.
It was fun going through the list of everyone who has liked TSCPgraphics since I started a public facebook page on June 12, 2009. As the likes neared 200, I decided to create this photo collage with all those little profile images. Sounds like a lot of work? Well, it really is not as bad as it sounds but one would need to have the software knowledge and of couse, an eye for design helps. :)
The graphic was designed in Photoshop with a series of low resolution screen shots of the list of profile images of individuals connected to TSCPgraphics. Each image was on it's own layer in Photoshop as I put each into position on the grid. Photo Mosiac software is available with more depth than what I did. I know if I had it, I would enjoy experimenting with it!
Even though it was my inspiration, my graphic is really simple with the 200 simply as an overlay layer. It is not near as complex as the Photo Mosiacs art by Robert Silvers.
Source: wikipaintings.org via Tammy on Pinterest
I've had an interest in Photomosiac art of Robert Silvers since this 'Photomosaics' book first came out in 1997 and I came across it in a book store. The book illustrates his brilliant photo mosiacs. The image above is commonly called "hands" on the internet but it's original title the '97 book was 10/10. This image has always been one of my favorites.
If anyone else is interested in Photomosiac art, his first book is available on Amazon: Photomosaics [Hardcover]I have to pull mine out once in awhile and admire his incredible images.