Running out of Daylight

With an additional 4TB of space to archive files, hopefully the photo storage issue will be resolved soon. There are times you have to ask, how many backups of the backup should one have? It is never ending. 

This evening I took a few photos as we were leaving Olathe. Once we pulled over on a hilltop I was lucky enough to have a great view.  The only challenge of taking an image in the city is - power lines. I had a discussion with Grant yesterday that we would like to see all power lines buried underground. Wouldn't that be great for all of us photographers?

I only had a few captures as the sun was setting. Unlike yesterday, it was easy to select today's Photo of the Day, titled: Johnson County Sunset.

I know I am going to start to spoil some of you with posting a Photo of the Day two days in a row. Some may be able to do this but reality is: i can not do this everyday.  The images in this collection for me are truly a memorable moment. 

Since I have been working on improving my site, I have found it is actually easier to add new content. I started posting in my Facebook Photo of the Day album last Summer. I have now went back as far as 2009. You may notice a few images in the facebook album that I do not have in my album on my website. That is just part of this never ending process. Those images will all be on my site eventually. As much as I would love it to be possible - this can not all be done over night. The next time you visit my site, I may even have older images. My website is not only about adding new content but also archive the past.

I have to confess, it was hard to select one single image from yesterday because I really enjoyed the time I spent taking the photos of Mindy's Family so much I am adding another one of my favorites of Daisy, Mindy and Dakotah.